In today’s life job are turning to be more sitting and very less mobile. Hence we spend most of our time sitting. That can lead to some body postural problems that in future can lead to major bone and muscle problems.
Following are few points that can help you maintain your health and finish your work properly too.
Take short breaks: –
Short breaks are very important. Take few breaks during whole day work. Short intervals after every hour are very important and essential.
Don’t call others to place and move things for you: –
This is a common practice most people prefer after placing themselves on a seat. Must avoid this as much as possible.
Do some workplace exercises: –
feeling little low can affect your work hence you need to boost yourself for the job. Sitting can even affect your body hence you must do some on chair exercises.
Keep chatting:-
keep discussing other office work while sitting. This will add on to movement while working hence will act positively.
Avoid intercom: –
discussing small thing with someone in other department can be done while mine walks instead of using intercom.
Try these few advisory tips and stay healthy with a sitting job. Have a healthy work experience.