5 Questions that can be ask from Interviewer at the end of Interview.

It’s an interview room and you are sitting on the hot seat facing the interviewer. The interview is coming to its end and you are about to go. Before this the interviewer approaches you and asks you “Do you have something to ask?”

What would be your answer? In anyone face this condition the answer would be a simple and smooth “No”. But this must not be the answer. There are few questions that you must ask the interviewer that can create a great impression on the interviewer about you. Also you would come to know more about the job and the organization.

The following are few questions and their effects and reason for you to ask.

  1. What is that you like most about working in this organization?

This Question will give an impression about your interest for the organization. This will show how much you wish to be a part of the organization and how important you consider this interview and the job.

  1. What are the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?

This is an approach about the job you are there for and this will give an impression that you are working to be a part of the organization and are serious about the job.

  1. What are the priorities for this position?

Don’t feel shy about your qualification and be free to ask their first requirement for the job. Also this will give you an impression how you can show yourself more capable.

  1. What is the scope of the organization according to you? Or where do you see the organization after a year.

This will tell you where you can see yourself after a year, 60 Days or 30 Days. The scope of organization decides the position and stability of the workers in any organization.

  1. What are the next steps and when will I hear back from you?

Your approach is positive can be observed by the interviewer and hence there come some additional points in your account after asking this question.

Make sure that you don’t overdo it. It’s your interview and not theirs and you are asked to clear your quires and not to interview them.

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