Want to know how to deal with rude, mean and arrogant Subordinate? Then read the following tips
We all face some individuals in some time of our life whose behaviour is not acceptable. But still we try to co-operate with them. If this kind of behaviour goes beyond your limits then you need to take some action. Follow the given tips to handle the situation
- Notice the person: – The first thing to do is to notice the person and document the behaviour as a proof for further actions. Also ask others too about his/her behaviour.
- Evaluate: – Try to evaluate this behaviour and make some points that can prove your point of view to him/her and others too.
- Confront and council: – You need to be very specific about the behaviour hence confront him and make sure that you inform the HR about this. Confrontation can make him/her totally against you. Make sure that you council him/her too. Explain the behaviour he/she is carrying and what should be the correct behaviour. Also notice the outcome of this session.
- Warn: – If after all your efforts the result doesn\’t stay long or you didn\’t notice any change, then you must take this step and warn the person according to the manual guidelines. And make this clear that a strict action can be taken against him/her if he/she still follows the same attitude.
- Disciplinary action: – After all your efforts if the outcome is not as expected then it’s time to take disciplinary action against him/her. Discussing it with the HR. The action can be dismissal of the personal.
Firing anyone in the office is not a satisfactory act but still if the behaviour is not up to the mark then compromising is also not the right thing. Avoiding and ignoring a small behavioural mistake can leads to a higher one hence we can’t avoid it.