Workplace grievances and their solution

The disagreement between employee and employer can sometimes take shape of grievances. If you have worked in any company then you must be aware of the grievances that take place in companies. Grievances can be due to unsafe given environment or un-satisfaction of the pay that you get or any other problem. But you must not be known how these grievances get solved.

There are many polices to solve these kinds of grievances and Human resource management plays a justifying role in this.

Following are few common seen grievances in companies.

Salary and other benefits: – This is one of the most common problems that finally lead to clash of thoughts and hence take form f grievances.  Sometimes the given salary does not contain sufficient or discussed incentives and other benefits.

Work pressure and workload: – Work pressure and workload also take a form of grievance. Sometimes work division can be uneven and sometimes pay is not equivalent according to work.  Or work completion targets are made hard these also make a way for grievances.

Working conditions: – Provided working conditions are not as informed during appointing workers. A safe, clean environment and all safety aids are requirement of any company but sometimes these are taken for granted. This finally leads to miss happenings.

Union and management problems: – Union is an important part of a companies and problem with management can lead to lots of problems and can even end on LOCK outs.

Solving these kinds of grievances can take lots of time. Following are few points that can be useful. We can’t give any legal advice on these problems but here are few points that can avoid these problems if management acts positively.

Listen to all problems properly and consider them important.

Collect all related facts. And keep open mind about every point you found.

Stay calm and have patience, those who are facing problems can lose temper on some points.

Investigate the starting problem and try to resolve the problem on the starting point only.

Grievances are not like world war that can’t be avoided. Adjusting and trying to solve problems and avoid these before it take place.

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