Learn how to say \” No\” politely .

I always want to be nice to all, I like if others appreciate me and I love to be in everyone’s good books. I think you all too like it this way. Most of the time we think the best way to be and stay in others good books is never say \”NO\”.

Now this has been a common practice and by the end of the day we start to say yes without thinking and where as we need to stop for some while thing, realize and them we need not just to say it low but sometimes we ought to scream it loud “NO”….

But again we never do this we always go for a lame yes. This is because we don’t know the art of saying NO. Yes that’s true saying NO is an. It has to be in a polite manner.  We are here to help all with this, let’s begin with the following questions to answer. These can solve your problem.

What is the common reason that we say YES more often?

This all starts from the first educational step. Family and teachers always teach you “never say no”!! This doesn’t feel good. So from the first day it’s a yes for all. We always say yes when friends call to join them for a football or doll house game or if college friends ask you to join for a movie or anything like this. So a yes starts form there and it goes on.

But now there is a way to say NO. I’ll tell you “how?”

  • First thing to do is to be loyal to you. Set your priorities.

You have to be loyal to yourself first, think what that you listed for your self are you following that priority list. Always put yourself on priority and then others. Just say YES to your own self and you’ll be able to say no without any guilt feeling. This guilt feeling is an important aspect that forces you not to say NO.

            You don’t have to say NO on top priority bur you need to put your priority lost on top. My pending files first, then others sitting on the next work station. My important phone calls first then calling family and friends.

  • How to say No?

It’s very simple to say NO. What so ever the approach is make sure you thing for a while and then make some decision.

Thinking time includes a self survey. Just list what are your priorities and then what have you finished and what is left to do. Calculate the time your left work will take.

If you find your time limited for your work then with all due respect ask for some time to think. Sometimes just asking for time means No and others do understand. But if it’s not like this then approach with sad heart and apologize before saying anything. This also gives a hint.

If this also doesn’t work them say – “sorry but I won’t be able to help you out with this…”

Always remember if the next person is not getting your point then you are not suppose to feel guilty. They don’t deserve this.

  • Also keep these in mind if someone tries to bully you to say YES.

If anyone tries to bully you just to say a yes to do his /her job just remember the following

Your time is limited and you can’t accept this bully on to you.

They don’t deserve your attention.

You have plans with family and/or friend by the weekend and if you say YES then you have to sacrifice the family time.

All this can make it work for you nut always stay genuine on your acts.

Till Next article keep reading and don’t forget to share or post comment if you have something to say.

1 thought on “Learn how to say \” No\” politely .”

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