Are you looking for a mind make over? Do you face problems in remembering things and talks? Then you need to try these simple but really effective tricks that can help you to sharpen your memory. In today’s fast and robotic life by the end of the day we most often realize that we have forgotten lots of things. This kind of memory issues can’t be dissolved by only having full night wet 4-5 almonds.
For this you need to take some important steps. That can help you out. These tips will sharpen your memory passively.
Try to forget your cell phone. Yes this is very difficult living without a cell phone these days but still we want you to forget all about it and just try to remember contact numbers by your own.
Also remember the list of your monthly grocery. Go on for shopping without the grocery list; try to remember what you need and what not.
Also avoid shopping in a supermarket and try the street shops not because of the price difference but as you get everything at a place in supermarket that makes it easy to remember and you lose a chance to use your brain.
Don’t use GPRS for finding a place or to remember streets. Sometimes getting lost power on the brain and charges it for lifetime. So avoid GPRS tracking systems.
Trick the resting part of your brain. Try to switch working hands. You can’t put your left hand in place of right and the right in place of left. Just switch the work that these both hands do. Let your left hand do some writing and your right hand to hold the note pad. Try brushing, eating etc once in a while from the opposite hand.
Play games. Yes this will work. I’m not talking about outdoor or indoor sports but the mind twisting games. You can use cell phone games like Sudoku, Buttons and scissors and reball etc. these games are for testing your mind and activeness.
Try to do two works at a time. No its not multiprocessing but things like listening songs and typing a newsletter or writing an article. This will make your brain work on two different things at a time and will help to empower your brain.
Take vitamin D in sufficient quantity. Sun is a huge source of vitamin D. You must be aware about those who stay away from sunlight do have health problems and memory issues. Our marine officers staying underwater in submarine are send for medical aid as soon as they hit the land. Hence it’s important to intake sufficient amount of sun-rays too.
Try to spend time with kids. Kids can’t sharpen your mind but their questions can help you to think. The question that will arise in your mind will force you to find answers and you will try your level best this will affect your brain positively.
Do try something new every day. Any one thing that is new to you. Cook something new, try and dance form, any new exercise, follow any new path, try and different T.V channel from usual.
All the above can help your brain not sitting still and you can get something known as a brilliant mind. I do follow most of these tips and now it’s your turn. Try and enjoy your outstanding brain. Have a great day. Adiós !!!