Analyzing a Job description is always a challenge – Tips how to evaluate a JD

Whenever we receive any call regarding a job, we first ask about the JD. But it’s difficult to understand the corporate language many times.

Let’s find out how to analyze a Job Description and measure all the possibilities available for you. Most of the Job descriptions contain all that is required by the organization but your requirement is also equally important, as you and organization both need to get hands full profit.

The first question that hits mind is what job description means?

                The answer is very simple – all that the job asks from you is the job description. In simple words the detail of organizations requirements is listed in the JD and one can get selected for the post if he/ she fulfill the requirements.

The next question is why JD is necessary or important?

                JD is a common practice these days it consist of the details about what are the requirements for some particular post by the organization and this helps to shortlist the heap of resumes. Also this helps job seekers to compare if they are eligible for the post or not.











Let’s evaluate a Job description

  1. Do self analysis about your requirements first. This is really important as you have to know what you require first in the job. Because if you are not satisfied you can’t make others satisfied.
  2. The next step is to start analyzing the JD you have received an interview letter for. Take a print and a highlighter and mark all that you understand and all the requirements you fulfill. Also try to understand the technical words if any on the JD as this can create confusion later on.
  3. Next is to check the qualification requirement of the organization. Have a list of the requirement and make sure you satisfy the list from bottom to the top order. Your last updated qualification matters most and then previous to that and so on.
  • Also check the graduation, degree, diploma details too. No organization need under or over qualified person.
  1. Experience requirement of the organization is also needed to be checked. Most of the time the experience is mentioned in between. For example 2 to 5 years of experience. If you have 4 years experience then consider yourself eligible for the job.
  • This is also important how you take the experience requirement?  For example the requirement is for a web developer with 2-5 years experience and you have total experience of 4 years but only 1year and 7 month as web developer and rest 2 years and 5 months as an OME. Then you may or may not be fulfilling this requirement. 
  1. Check for the daily activities the job requires. Like working hours, daily task, traveling, food, residential benefits and physical activities etc.
  2. Also one of the most important point the compensations you are going to get rather that your gross salary. Add all that you are going to get and conclude are you satisfied by this or negotiation is required. This can be considered as 50- 50 change.
  3. Accept the proposal if you fulfill all the needed requirements like skill, qualification and experience etc.
  4. Ask for further steps for applying or the job.

Job description is an important tool but sometimes turns to be very difficult to analyze those details of the profile. So use the tips and try to get the best job for you. All the very best!!

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