Looking for a job change?? Check what the right time is.

How life changes when you are no longer satisfied with your job. All happy hours turn to be lame and horrible hours. If this is happening with you then you need a job change. But this is not as easy as it seems as we are saying this. You need to think and plan lots of thing before you GO FOR IT.

Start searching while working

With all the experience you have and all your working capabilities you are not suppose to leave the job and then start to search for another one. So start searching for a compatible profile while working.

Think what kind of job you wish to switch for

Working on a lower and look for a higher post or getting less and wish to get more. Think what kind of job switch you need.

Time to use your contact list

This is the right time for you to use your entire network you have created during this job. This contact network can be a path way for another wonderful job.

Is the grass green on other side?

It’s an old saying “Is the grass green on the other side”. Do confirm the condition of the next job before switching. The reason you wish to switch can turn worse, on the other place. So be aware of all the good and bad of the next place hiring you.

Correct time to switch

Increment time is on the way you will get the fruit of your deeds. This can be a life saver time hence you need to stay calm and wait for it. If the result is not as you wished then you can start the next step.

Collect the details of the next place

Do check the increment time and other details of the next company. Financial year and new-year can come all together in some companies.

Experts are to help you

Do take some help from an expert.  Placement agencies  and consultancies can be helpful too. They can do your entire job for you.

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