Every person love to get attention of their opposite’s and hence we try to look fabulous even if we have to stay in limits and to follow rules.
Everyone wish to look more presentable in office. Feeling more attractive than others is always a charm. Now the Question that occurs is how to look more presentable in office to carry this charm. The reply can be time consuming but a good habit if one can follow this. Let’s list the rules to be followed:-
Be Neat: – The first and most important of all is to stay neat and clean. Yes you can make your presence countable when you’ll look and feel clean. So always make this an important rule to stay clean in the office as much as possible.
Pick the correct size: – Attire is also an important aspect but the point is whatever you wear must fit you proper. The clothes shouldn’t be lose or tight. Exposing body by wearing body fit clothes will make you look unprofessional and not attractive. Wear your perfect fit.
Groom: – Groom yourself nicely. Do have a nice haircut, trim yourself on regular bases. This will give a nice impression about you. But never use colors or different messy hairstyles to grab attention.
Fragrance: – Nice and soothing scents are liked by all and if you are using a fragrance that feels soothing you will definitely be getting noticed on a very high level. Thing to remember is that you shouldn’t be using sharp and tangent smells for office specially.
Stay soft: – Being soft means not being loud. Try to stay soft spoken with all your staff members, not with just the one whom you wish to impress the most. As your qualities will get noticed how you behave with all.
Eye Contact: – Eye contact give an impression about your thought process if you keep making eye contact and speak soft you can rule the office. But here also eye contact need not to be cheap or vulgar. Most of the time people try to express their feeling through eye contact only so stay aware.
Keep smiling and enjoying: – Your daily job asks for attention but some days turn to be the dark days, still you must not stop smiling and enjoying the moments that knock your door. Make sure all your worries stay with you and you only spread smiles.
Dress Right: – The most important rule is to dress right. You must know what to, where to and how to dress right. Your clothing gives an impression about your soul. Hence dress like an angel on earth. Always make sure the colors you select must not be too vibrant as you are sitting in an office. Make all your selections go well with the office etiquette.
To know what to wear and how wait for our next personality related article.