How to choose best job when you have multiple job offer?

Time is changing and so are your opportunities. There may be a time when you don’t have any job to do and this may be a time when you may be having multiple job offers to accept. Now the thing is who to accept and whom to reject or decline.

Handling these offers and picking the best out of it can be difficult. We can help you out in this. You only have to follow these four steps:-

  1. What is the ideal job for you: – start with this note down the idea of the best and ideal job for you that you think.

Start from the beginning, your first job would have given you more knowledge and less money. Now what you need. Knowledge is all with you and now is it time for more knowledge or money.

2.1 Categories what is your priority and then start analyzing: – If you want more knowledge then,

  1. You have to pick that organization which offer new experiences and learning.
  2. Also the organization must have new technologies and latest type of working facilities etc.
  3. This will be your chance to get as much as knowledge you want or need.
  4. Also consider the working conditions of the organization.
  5. The reputation of the organization can clear rest of the things.

2.2 Now if you want to earn then consider the following:-

  1. Find out the means of payment in the organization and compare both of the organizations.
  2. There are different types of perks that company provides and you have to calculate the valuable perks.
  3. Also the Bonus, variables, what your basic pay would be, what kind of deductions you will face and what are the benefits on the deduction that you will get.
  4. Consider and calculate other benefits that the organization provides.
  1. Ask some time for taking decision: – You should not be in hurry. Take some time for thinking and don’t reply anything. Make your concluding decision all including your needs and requirements.

You just have to say – “you like the job offer they have given but you need some time to make a final decision.”

  1. How to say NO: – After all this tug-n-war when you came to any decision, then you must have to decline one offer and that is normal. You only have to make your mind which way to go but this should not be in a diplomatic way. You may need this link for future so whenever you decline the offer use the words like” I’ve been very impressed by this organization and the way you all treated me, but I’ve get an offer that I consider much lively for me. That is why I’m accepting that offer. Thanks for this offer and acceptance.” This won’t break the connection between you and the organization too.

Whatever is your decision make it sure that you don’t do or say any word that can affect your career or your connections in future. And rest you have all that you need.

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