Job and study all together – Is it important?

I’ve been working on the same post in the same company for last many years but still didn’t get any promotion or increment. Is this the same case with you too? Then you need to think again what is lacking you behind? And the answer that you will get is your qualification. Yes this can be one of the most important reasons that you are not listed in the promontories every time.

Now is the time to get aware of the importance of adding qualification to your C.V. This will help you get better increment and promotions too.

These days we can find many organizations that help their staff for completing their studies or to gain extra knowledge after they join the job. This depicts that they need people who keep on adding something to their qualification.

Now the Question arises is how to manage work and study all together. For this you need to be a dedicated employee and a hardworking student. Distance education gives you freedom for studying while working.

The following tips will help you manage job and studies

  1. Set Priorities

Before starting the study stuff set your priority as you have to do this sooner or later this is suggested to have it as soon as possible. You can shunt your time by coming home as earlier as possible from job instead of wasting time with other staff members gossiping on some hopeless topic and using weekend off’s that you get (all weekends or any two).

  1.  Manage your time

The second thing to do is to manage what so ever, time you have with you. Considering distance education way easy then the regular study is stupidity. Getting education is never easy. Distance education plans are also scheduled just the way regular study time is scheduled and hence everything is divided into time limits of hours. It can be 7 hours or 40 hours to finish any course. So time management is very important.

                Plan as you get time and dedicate the mentioned time limit for every topic and book.

  1. Plan will help

Make a timetable which contain working hours and study hours. How you will finish your office work within the time and how you will manage all other homely jobs with studies too. Be managed and keep everything managed even your books and notes too. Don’t spend whole night studying as you also have to be fresh when you go out for work.

  1. Don’t push too much, take short breaks too

It’s not possible to sit on one place and stay there for whole of the study hours. This won’t help you learning. Hence take short breaks while studying. Take some time out and prepare a coffee or tea for yourself or even you can cook a 2 min dish for you too. This will make you feel fresh and you would be able concentrate more.

  1. Try other sources of learning too.

To remember Shakespeare’s Play you can watch a movie based on the story too. This is just an example for finding other sources of learning. The most important thing is to learn and how you will do this comes later. Try all that is possible positive way of learning.

Managing study and work is not a simple task but is not Rocket science that you can’t achieve. Everything is possible you have an idea how to do it. These tips give you some how to do ideas.

Good luck with your studies and job.

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