Stay Hungary stay foolish – What are the 10 formulas explained by Steve jobs for success.

Future forecast: – You always have to think what you want in next 5 years and you need to work for that from today only. So that after 5 years you would be an achiever.

Travel the world: – If you want to learn then travel. You will find out many options for success when you will see the world and this will help you to step ahead in life. According to Steve, travelling is very important for business man.

Pick right partner: – Jobs didn’t started his company on his own he had a partner Steve wozniak. They both bring their company on the top.

Why feel ashamed of learning from others: – Steve Job has worked in HP and other Tech companies and learned not to follow the trend and do something totally different to these.

Take risk: – Steve said you always need to take risk. But before taking any risk observes all the outcomes of your actions. This is very important.

Learn from failure: – Everyone faces failure at least once in their life even Steve Job also faced failure and was fired from his own company once. So don’t get scared of failures but learn from it.

Obstacles are opportunities: – Take difficulties as challenges and this will lead you to success.

Have good company: – If you are willing to get success then stay with those who support you and make required corrections in your thoughts and plans.

Soon you will die: – Steve Jobs use to say “If you feel confused and scared and are not able to take any decision then remember you will die next moment.”

Always think about positive things: – Negative give rise to another negative so always think positive in all conditions and circumstances. Learn from your failures for the future.

Steve Job has given many meaningful lessons of his life to us the only thing is now to follow them to get success. Try to follow these in your life.

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