Is Filling an Appraisal form a headache?? Then these tips are for you!!!

Once again it is here… Not the festival season… No!!! Not holiday season but the Annual performance review season. This is the time when all your work and efforts will pay you back. The only huddle now is the self appraisal form.

The self appraisal is the only opportunity one has, to show all the things he did well in the whole year. Hence filling an appraisal form requires sufficient time to reflect 12 month’s hard work. Following are tips that can help you to fill the form.

The appraisal form consists of many parts:

Job descriptions, Key performance indicator, Key result areas, Attributes required to perform well, Goal setting form.

Before you start filling the form make a copy of the form and fill the copy first so that there will be no corrections to make on the original form. Next, note down all your achievements, good and bad for the whole year on a paper.

Now is the time to fill in the blanks….

  1. Detailed information about you and your job profile is the first step. You must know your whole job profile in detail. This will further help you.
  2. The key performance indicator is to rate yourself there are usually five levels for you to stand in :-
  3. Out-standing:- when the employee performs critical jobs using his knowledge and work skill over his routine work.
  4. Exceeds expectations: – performance given by employee consistently above expectations.
  5. Met expectations: – Employees performance is consistent to meet the expectations.
  6. Below Expectations: – Is a red alert for the employee as the performance is below expectations.
  7. Poor Performance: – No need to be explained.
  8. Key result areas:- Mention all the hard work you have done. Mention all your success and learning you had and all that you had shared with others.
  9. Element required to perform well by the employees must be mentioned. Mention what is your requirement that can help you to performance better year after year.
  10. Goal Setting for: – This is another important form for comparison your last year’s achievements, this year’s work and coming years expectations.

Also write summary of the total work you have done. This will give a positive impression about your dedication towards your work and hence will add on to your appraisal.

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