Most of the time a bothering boss force you to work beyond regular working hours even if the work is not too important. A demanding boss sometimes become over demanding and does not understand what’s required for you to deliver a satisfactory output and will push you until you take a favouring action. Sometimes you get unreasonable and unfavourable deadlines by the boss too. An over demanding boss can be difficult to work with.
To deal with such a dictatorial boss you first need to know why your boss is being such demanding. There can be some reasons that force him/her to take such decisions. It can be a desire to make control over the employees. Fear for the job status can be another reason; desire for perfection can also be an important reason.
A little bit of pressure can be motivational but insisting usually make you frustrating and give a rise to your stress level too.
One has to learn how to deal with this or you’ll have to suffer.
Following are few basic points to deal with this situation.
- Don’t take anything personally. Your boss has to report to his boss hence it is sometimes important for him to pressurise you to get sufficient output.
- Try to know why your boss is being demanding. Talk to your boss and try to know the reason behind his being over demanding. Approach your boss gently and ask the reason for his behaviour.
- Listen carefully what your boss defines about the job. Set your expectations and priorities on list and then act accordingly. Think twice if you’ll be able to finish this and then reply accordingly.
- Always stay positive in all circumstances and try to be a problem solver.
- Celebrate your success, flagging your boss for the success too.
There can be many reasons with your boss to be over demanding but you must stay in control and try to solve the problem without losing temper. An over demanding boss is like a chisel that will hit you hard but finally you’ll be a trimmed diamond.
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