It turns really important when any other professional stands with you as a referral when you are trying to get a better opportunity in job. This is an old and common attitude which always forces you to make good references during your first or all jobs.
Having reference can give you new heights when you just want to move one step ahead. When you approach any organization and you are fully confident about your performance a reference can nail it with the last hit.
But there are few things that you must take care of when giving any reference during any interview.
The first and for most important thing is before asking any profession to serve as an reference make sure at what level and for what context you are trying to refer him/her.
Is this individual aware of what your qualities are, what your achievements are. Also the referral is from the same known field as yours or from any other field –also make a great difference. If you both are from same field then only your reference would be able to clear your highs and lows.
Check your network list before you suggest anyone as a referral. May be you have other more appropriate referral. Still never under estimate your other contacts. A single reference can affect less where as more references create extra effect on your profile. But you also need to remember “excess of everything is dangerous”.
With all other aspects of job your referrals should be aware what are you looking for in the new job, a promotion as a post, increment in salary, both or you just can’t continue in your present job due to some grievances with organization or there is any other considerable reason.
When providing information about your references make sure you have correct contact details with you and the hiring authority can contact your referrals on the provided details.
It is also important to follow up your references regarding any contact from the organization.
All references are equally important and one must know how and where to use your reference. And yes making new reference must be a part of your work life.