Work is a big part of our life. We all work either for earning money or for earning name and reputation. Some of us work day and night and try to attain the decided goal and sometime we work for few hours and get what we want. Both these categories are based on work.
Ask the following questions to yourself and you will come to know in what category you fall.
How do you feel every morning?
This is a simple question to ask and will get you a quick answer too. Just remember the school days we use to jump out of our bed to get ready for school because we love to stay at school with friends. Are we still willing to get out off the bed and get ready for office the same way?
Do you gossip about your work?
Gossip or sharing information both are different things. The thing is do you share information about your work place or you just gossip about it. Sharing information is a positive attitude and gossiping …all know. Expressing your feelings about your workplace is just like giving your mother daily updates about what took place at school for the whole day. It’s a positive sign, but gossiping is like two friends talking as per their interest and modifying things as they wish them to be.
How you behave at work?
Your behavior always depicts what you are feeling all about, if you feel good at work this will get reflected by your behavior. A positive working behavior make others feel happy and work positively. Whereas if you are not satisfied with what you are doing you won’t be happy and will never be able to behave nicely and won’t be able to make other motivated too.
Do you think about your work when you are on leave?
Work is your passion or not it appears by your thoughts if you keep on thinking about your work when you are not at work. Is it all positive, are you worried about your work, are you missing your work. This will finally conclude what you are thinking about your workplace.
If all the given points add on to your marks, then you really love your work and your workplace. And if you find them a bit yes and bit no then you are just working.